Project Overview
In The Footsteps Of Our Ancestors is an award-winning documentary feature and multi-layered community engagement project focused on the Canol Youth Leadership Hike: an epic wilderness trek in the homeland of the Shúhtagot’ı̨nę (Mountain Dene). The trail follows the historic WWII CANOL pipeline route in the Sahtú Region of the Northwest Territories.
In early 2017, two filmmakers from Trails In Tandem teamed up with a young leader from the Sahtú and the founder of the Canol Youth Leadership Hike to design and execute a documentary project. Together with local governments, businesses and NGO’s, they fundraised for the production of the film and documented the hike the following summer. The project involved recording the trail’s history through archival research, interviews with community elders, and retracing the footsteps of Shúhtagot’ı̨nę ancestors on the land.
The team premiered the film at screenings across Canada to great acclaim, hosting interactive community gatherings and discussions on youth leadership, cross-cultural understanding, and the teachings of the Dene. The film has since landed a broadcast and education deal as well as an award for its direction.
1:00:09 Run | All Ages | English
Project Team
walking a shared trail
Documenting the Canol Youth Leadership Hike had always been a dream for Norman Yakeleya, Dene National Chief and former regional MLA for the Sahtú. Norman has been guiding youth in the Mackenzie Mountains for years, following the advice of his late grandmother Harriet Gladue who understood the power the mountains held had for teaching the Dene way of life. The program, developed with three other hikers from the region (Joe Handley, Garth Wallbridge, Myles Erb), aims to give youth from across the five Sahtú communities leadership and on-the-land skills as they become young adults.
After securing a small grant to explore cross-cultural connections through film, Erinn Drage and Nicholas Castel, two filmmakers with previous experience in Northern Canada, travelled to the Sahtú Region to explore it’s many rich stories. Their time with community members in Tulita and Norman Wells made clear the need for local voices to lead in telling these stories. Invited to attend Dene Tsili, a bush school hosted by the Sahtú Renewable Resources Board (SRRB) in early 2017, Nicholas met Jordan Lennie, a Sahtú Métis intern with the SRRB at the time. Given Jordan’s interests in outdoor education and community, he teamed up with Erinn and Nicholas to form the Trails in Tandem team. Norman reached out to Trails in Tandem after catching wind of the partnership, with his pitch of working together to tell the history and story of the Canol Youth Leadership Hike.
In The Footsteps Of Our Ancestors is a story of coming together; across borders, belief systems, and between generations, to document a uniquely shared human experience in some of Canada’s most beautiful wilderness. The resulting film has many teachings to offer us all.
"This teaching is going to help educate the people. To see how we have to work together in the future for the next seven generations. It was a very powerful film. Very much so."
- Perry Bellegarde, Canadian National Chief of the Assembly of First Nations
“Coming out of the woods and seeing the younger hikers on the sandbar - it was just the best feeling in the world. I did this, I walked the 40 miles. I walked in the footsteps of my ancestors. I felt just as tough as they did.”
- Jordan Lennie , 2017 Canol Youth Leadership Hiker
"The most beautiful scenery and awesome trek with more than a million dollar view. Good teamwork!"
- Mary Jane Kunkel, daugher of Sahtú Dene Guide Fred Andrew

The Canol Heritage Trail
a brief history

local knowledge
This film would not have been possible without the generous support of our partners
“POLAR DAYS” annual event University of Northern British Columbia, NT Feb 8
Vancouver International Mountain Film Festival “Indigenous Identity in the Outdoors Show” Vancouver, Canada Feb 19 - 28
Ruperts Land Colloquium “Traditions of Mobility - Reclaiming Lessons from North American Indigenous History” University of Winnipeg October 214
CommunityTV (Yellowknife, NormanWells, Whitehorse) Northwestel February - March
Ottawa Adventure Film Festival, “Adventure Film & Indigenous Culture” uOttawa/Mayfair Theatre Nov 20/24
Canoe North Adventures Special Presentation Orangeville Opera House November 10
Yellowknife International Film Festival Capitol Theatre Nov 9
Weengushk International Film Festival Four Directions Event Centre July 13
Ottawa Mountain Equipment Co-Op Ottawa May 23, 2019
Halifax Premiere, NS Canadian Museum of Natural History May 6
Edmonton Premiere, AB The Garneau Theatre February 6
Ottawa Premiere, ON - The Canadian Museum of Nature January 30
Yellowknife Premiere, NWT Prince of Wales Northern Heritage Centre January 28
Norman Wells Premiere, NWT Norman Wells Community Hall January 24
Tulita Premiere, NWT Tulita Cultural Centre January 23
We would be happy to co-ordinate a screening with you! Please email
Please contact Norman Yakeleya or Trails In Tandem to donate to future hikes, or to learn more about other active on-the-land leadership activities for youth in the Sahtu.